Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Morning in Wellington

It is my first morning in Wellington, slept well and made myself a fruit salad for breakfast.

Something had to be done the LA breakfast burrito was adding to my edges, love them as I do NZ appears to be a healthier place and I intend on taking advantage.

Everyone exercises here it's bizarre, where are all the lazy people?

Check out all the joggers after work:

I met the Mully parents last night, well that's not strictly true as I met Mully Mum about ten years ago when she visited the UK and we were flatmates. She greeted me like an old friend and is a veritable riot she kept hitting me as she laughed much to the embarrassment of Mully who in the end had to tell her to stop. There is nothing more satisfying that watching your friends squirm because of their parents. Mully Dad is also fcking hilarious but in a more chuckling understated way. Photo's to follow.

There is a cat here keeping me company while I do a bit of writing. I call it a cat but sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between it and a rug, in fact it is quite difficult to tell what end you are looking at.

I may get out and about tomorrow if it stops raining. LA definitely has it's advantages. Mully keeps talking about the beautiful light in NZ but you know through mist and rain, it's hard to tell.

I arrive in Wellington

Kate was a little late to pick me up from the airport having been stuck in a lift. I presumed in the telling of this tale that the lift was in a block of flats and the woman plus child that she was stuck with was a neighbor or stranger. I realised only after arriving and being told that there were no floors above the top one that it is a private lift for the household. I feel that this accommodation is now the bar set, let's see where we can go from here.

Check out the open plan bit on the top floor.

The view from outside isn't too shady either.

Now I think of it, it's not too shady at night.

By the way Kate climbed out of the lift, broke open the next door up then pulled the child and mother to safety. Resourceful lot these New Zealanders.